Room type supplements

Room Type Supplements in RevControl help you manage price differences between room types by setting supplements as a percentage or fixed amount.

Room Type Supplements in RevControl enable you to effectively manage price differences between various room types. You can set a supplement for each derived room type, either as a percentage or a fixed amount. This allows you to offer larger or better-equipped rooms at higher prices, while less popular rooms can be offered at lower prices.

How do Room Type Supplements work?

  • Entering Supplements: For each room type derived from a base room type, you can enter a supplement as a percentage or fixed amount. For example, an 8-person dorm may be 10% more expensive than a 6-person dorm, and this supplement can be set directly in RevControl.
  • Setting Discounts: In addition to price increases, you can also set discounts. For instance, if a single room is 5% cheaper than a double room, you can enter a negative supplement.
  • Multiple Base Room Types: It’s possible to have multiple base room types. This allows you to cluster room types with similar market demand, meaning you only need to set the strategy once per cluster, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  • Derived Room Types: Each derived room type is linked to a base room type. This ensures the supplement is calculated based on the selected base type.

Where to find Room Type Supplements?

You can manage Room Type Supplements via Settings > Mapping > Room Type Supplements in RevControl.

Setting Room Type Supplements

  1. Select the derived room type for which you want to set a supplement.
  2. Indicate whether the supplement is a percentage or a fixed amount.
  3. Enter the percentage or amount corresponding to the difference from the base room type.
  4. Save your changes to apply the supplements.