Rate history by arrival date

The Rate History by Arrival Date log shows your hotel’s price development for each arrival date. It provides insights into published rates, their status, and any issues during publication.

The Rate History by Arrival Date in RevControl is a log that provides insights into your hotel’s price development for specific arrival dates. Unlike the Published Rates Timeline, which focuses on the days when rates were published, this log shows the rate evolution for each arrival date individually.


You can find the Rate History by Arrival Date under More > Logs > Rate History by Arrival Date. Here, you get a detailed overview of the rates published for each arrival date, along with the publication date and the result.

Overview and Explanation

In the log, you’ll see a list with various columns that display important information, such as:

  • Published On: The date and time when the rates were published.
  • User: The user who performed the publication.
  • Result: The status of the publication (e.g., Auto saved but not published, Published, Publish failed, etc.).
  • Rates: The listed rates for each specific arrival date, along with any minimum length of stay (MinLOS).

Publication Status Types

Each publication in the timeline can have one of the following statuses:

  • Published (green): Manual export via the Rates Calendar was successful.
  • Auto published (green): Automatic export via AutoPublish was successful.
  • Bulk published (green): Manual bulk export via Bulk Update in the Rates Calendar was successful.
  • Resync published (green): Resync by RevControl Support was successful.
  • Pending (orange): Rates have been sent to the PMS or CM, but we are still waiting for confirmation that they have been processed.
  • Saved but not published (orange): Rates were saved in RevControl, but the rate export to the PMS or CM is disabled.
  • Auto saved but not published (orange): Rates were automatically saved in RevControl, but were not exported to the PMS or CM.
  • Publish failed (red): Export was unsuccessful. Clicking on “Show modified rates” reveals the error message generated by the PMS or CM during the processing of the rates.
  • Auto publish failed (red): Automatic export via AutoPublish failed.
  • Bulk publish failed (red): Manual bulk export failed.
  • Resync failed (red): Resync by RevControl Support failed.

This view helps you better understand and adjust your hotel’s pricing strategy. You can easily see how prices for a specific arrival date have evolved over time and if there were any issues during the publication of these rates.

Using the Rate History by Arrival Date

The Rate History by Arrival Date is a valuable tool for revenue managers who want to analyze the development of their pricing strategy. By reviewing these logs, you can determine which prices were effective and which were not, and identify and correct any errors in the publication process.