Minimum LOS

MinLOS in RevControl allows you to set minimum length of stay requirements based on (forecasted or on-the-books) occupancy. These rules can be easily copied to other periods, and the thresholds are fully configurable.

The Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS) feature in RevControl allows you to set a minimum number of nights that a guest must stay based on the expected occupancy (forecast). This helps optimize occupancy rates and maximize room revenue, especially during peak periods.

Where to find the MinLOS settings?

You can manage the MinLOS settings via Settings > Rates > Minimum LOS in RevControl.

How does MinLOS work?

  • Occupancy thresholds: The percentages at the top of the grid represent different occupancy levels, such as 0-19%, 20-39%, etc. These thresholds determine when a specific MinLOS rule applies.
  • Setting MinLOS: For each threshold, you can input the minimum length of stay. Once the forecasted occupancy exceeds a certain threshold, the MinLOS will automatically apply to new bookings.
  • Auto-fill: If a field is left blank, RevControl will automatically use the value from the column to the left.
  • Copy options: Use the Copy Down, Copy Up, and Copy to End buttons to quickly apply values to other days or months.

How to set the MinLOS?

  1. Select the period: Choose the months and years for which you want to apply the MinLOS rules.
  2. Enter the MinLOS: Click a cell to manually input the MinLOS for a specific occupancy threshold.
  3. Use copy options: Speed up the process by using the copy options to apply values across multiple days or months.
  4. Confirm changes: Click Confirm all changes to save your adjustments.

Configuring occupancy thresholds

The occupancy thresholds can be configured via Settings > Configuration > System settings (chain) or Hotel settings (property-specific) > Business rules > Occupancy hurdles.