Forecast exclusion dates

With Forecast Exclusion Dates in RevControl, you can exclude specific periods from forecast calculations to accurately predict demand without being influenced by extreme or abnormal data.

The Forecast Exclusion Dates feature in RevControl allows you to exclude specific dates or periods from the forecast calculations. This is useful when there are market disruptions such as pandemics, strikes, natural disasters, or other extraordinary circumstances that affect historical demand data. By excluding these periods, RevControl can make more accurate forecasts based on a normal market outlook, without extreme or unusual periods distorting the calculations.

Where to find Forecast Exclusion Dates

You can manage Forecast Exclusion Dates via Settings > Configuration > Forecast Exclusion Dates in RevControl.

How to set Forecast Exclusion Dates

  1. Click the plus button (+) to add a new exclusion.
  2. Give the exclusion a name so it’s clear why these specific dates are excluded (e.g., “Covid-lockdown”).
  3. Set the start and end date of the period you wish to exclude.
  4. Save the changes to apply the forecast exclusion dates.

Managing and Copying Forecast Exclusion Dates:

  • Edit: You can edit existing exclusions by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Delete: Unneeded exclusions can be deleted by clicking the trash icon.
  • Copy: Click the duplicate icon to copy an existing exclusion. This is useful when you want to apply the same or similar exclusions to other periods or years.

Caution: Be careful when excluding dates to ensure you don’t exclude critical periods. It’s advisable to only exclude periods with clear abnormalities that would make your forecast unrealistic.