Compare history pickup report

The Compare History Pickup report compares current pickup with that of a past moment, allowing you to analyze trends and compare performance across different periods.

The Compare History Pickup report in RevControl compares current pickup (bookings and cancellations) with pickup from a point in the past. This report helps you analyze booking trends and compare your performance across different periods.

Where to find it?

You can find the Compare History Pickup report under Reports > Compare History > Pickup in RevControl.

What does the Compare History Pickup report show?

This report displays three sections:

  1. The pickup data from last year, month, or week for the selected period.
  2. The current pickup data for the same period.
  3. A comparison between the two, highlighting the differences. Red numbers indicate that you are behind compared to last year, month, or week. Green numbers indicate better performance.

How to use the Compare History Pickup report?

  • Select period: Under “Date from … to …,” you can select the period you want to compare. In the blue bar at the top, choose the past moment you want to compare with.
  • Analyze trends: See how current pickup compares to previous periods to identify patterns.
  • Optimize strategy: Use these insights to adjust your pricing strategy and marketing actions to current market conditions.