Segment grouping

Learn how to manage segment groups. Discover how segments help organize revenue and occupancy data, and how segment groups can simplify and customize management in RevControl.

Please note that segments are shared across all hotels/properties in a chain/installation. Changing segment groups requires admin access to all properties and will affect all properties.


Using segments is an effective method for organizing revenue and occupancy data. A surge in bookings within a leisure segment may indicate that your pricing is lower than current demand. If you have accumulated numerous segments that are no longer in use over time, or if your revenue management requires less detail on segments than the PMS provides, segment grouping can simplify management.


Creating segment groups with a single segment per group allows RevControl to display a different name than what is received from the PMS.


To create segment groups, go to Settings - Mapping - Segment grouping. Click the orange “+” button at the top right to create a new segment group. In the pop-up window, name the group (which will be displayed as a segment) and select the segments to include. If a segment is already in another group, you’ll receive a notification and selecting it will move it from the previous group. Click save to create your new segment group.

Segment groups

Considering deleting segments? Due to historical reservations associated with segments, deletion is not possible. However, you can create a group (e.g., named “Old”) to allocate all unused segments.