Competitor rates table

The Competitor Rates Table in RevControl provides a detailed overview of your competitors’ rates, including price changes, MinLOS, and conditions, allowing you to optimize your own pricing strategy.

The Competitor Rates Table in RevControl is a powerful tool that provides an in-depth view of your competitors’ rates, helping you fine-tune your pricing strategy. Here’s how to use this tool effectively.


You can find the Competitor Rates Table under Rates > Competitors > Rates Table. In the top blue bar, you can select the start date, and the table will display competitor rates for the selected period.

Daily Overview:

Each day in the table is divided into blocks representing different competitors and their rates. The table uses color codes to indicate rate statuses:

  • Green: The competitor’s rate is higher than your rate.
  • Red: The competitor’s rate is lower than yours.
  • Purple: The competitor is likely sold out or has closed this OTA.
  • Gray: The rate is either equal to yours or not comparable (different cancellation policies or breakfast options).

In addition to the color coding, symbols are also displayed:

  • Green arrow up next to the price: The price has increased compared to the previous day.
  • Red arrow down: The price has decreased.
  • Gray square: The price remains unchanged.
  • Small blue number next to the price: Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS).
  • Small orange number: Indicates that the MinLOS price has been carried over from a previous day, but arrival on this day is not possible.
  • Flame icon: Non-refundable rate.
  • Croissant icon: Breakfast included.

Rate Details:

Clicking on a competitor’s rate provides a detailed breakdown, including the OTA, number of persons, rate type (flexible or non-refundable), MinLOS, room type, yesterday’s price with today’s change in parentheses, and when the rate was last retrieved.


The Competitor Rates Table gives you the necessary insights to stay competitive by understanding how your prices compare to the market and adjusting your strategy accordingly.