Occupancy supplements

This article explains how to set up occupancy supplements in RevControl, adding surcharges to minimum rates when certain forecasted occupancy thresholds are reached. It also covers how to configure thresholds and use copy options efficiently.

In RevControl, the occupancy supplements allow you to add surcharges to the minimum rates when certain occupancy thresholds are reached, based on the forecast. The occupancy thresholds are displayed as percentages at the top of the schedule. Once the expected occupancy (forecast) exceeds a certain threshold, a supplement is added to the minimum rates. Together, the minimum rates and occupancy supplements form the “Occupancy Based Recommended Rate.”

Where can you find the occupancy supplements?

You can manage occupancy supplements via Settings > Rates > Occupancy Supplements in RevControl.

How do occupancy supplements work?

  • Occupancy thresholds: The percentages at the top of the schedule indicate different occupancy thresholds, such as 0-19%, 20-39%, and so on.
    • These thresholds are configurable via Settings > Configuration > System Settings (for chains) or Hotel Settings > Business Rules > Occupancy Hurdles (for individual properties).
  • Entering supplements: For each threshold, you can enter a surcharge. When the forecasted occupancy exceeds this threshold, the surcharge is automatically added to the minimum rates.
  • Automatic carry-over: If a column is left empty, RevControl will carry over the value from the column to its left.
  • Copy options: With the Copy Down, Copy Up, and Copy to End buttons on the right, you can easily copy values to other days or months.

How to set up occupancy supplements:

  1. Select the period: Choose the months and years you want the supplements to apply to.
  2. Enter supplements: Click on a cell to manually enter a supplement for a specific occupancy threshold.
  3. Use the copy options: Use the copy options to quickly apply supplements to other days or months.
  4. Confirm changes: Click on Confirm all changes to save your adjustments.