Release notes version 5.2.x

In this article, you can find all new features & functionalities in the RevControl 5.2.x releases.

RevControl 5.2.0


Introducing the most recent updates and fixes in our system:


  1. General Update: Replaced Freshchat with HubSpot to enhance communication and support capabilities.

  2. Dashboard Enhancement: Added a "Today" button to the date selector for quick navigation.

  3. Forecast Feature Addition: Introduced a new feature called Room Type Forecast, now available for Booking Experts, Bookzo, and IDPMSExpert plans.

  4. Rate Recommendation Update: The info window will now display BOB history (same point in time) or, if not available, it will show actuals for better decision-making.

  5. Rate Buckets Improvement: Added a search option to rate plan selection, making it easier to find and manage rate plans.

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  1. General Fixes: Addressed several minor layout issues and a specific issue in the compare date picker when selecting the right-side date.

  2. Business on the Books Fixes: Implemented performance improvements in BOB and Pickup Today reports, and fixed an issue with selecting a previous month in the Room Type Availability screen.

  3. Forecast Fixes: Resolved an issue when saving the Revenue Forecast.

  4. Rate Recommendation Fixes: Fixed an issue where a maximum rate of 0 was applied in some cases, and improved error handling when clicking the Save & Resend Rates button in the Rates Calendar for new dates without pricing.

  5. Budget Fixes: Corrected an issue where the calculated totals were incorrect.

  6. Events Fixes: Fixed a problem where selecting a new start date did not update the end date accordingly.

For any questions or further assistance, our Customer Success team is here to help via chat or email.

RevControl 5.2.1


In our latest system update, we've addressed the following issues:


  1. Dashboard Fix: Resolved an issue where the competitor widget was missing in some cases on the dashboard, ensuring consistent visibility of this important feature.

  2. Settings Fix: Fixed missing select options in Room Type Mapping within the Settings section, ensuring all necessary options are available for seamless configuration.

RevControl 5.2.2


Presenting a refined summary of the provided updates:


  1. General Update: The filter option for column selection is now grouped, enhancing user experience and navigation.

  2. General Update: Improved the hotel selection and my account window for smoother usability and functionality.

  3. Business Rules Update: Added a check to ensure the max rate cannot be lower than the min rate and vice versa, ensuring consistency in rate configuration.
  4. Business on the Books Addition: Added the Compare History Pickup report, providing users with additional insights into pickup trends.
  5. Logs Update: Published Rate Timeline will no longer show 0 when there is no Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS) restriction in place, ensuring accurate data representation.


  1. Dashboard Fix: Addressed an issue with date selection when switching to a hotel with outdated Business on the Books (BOB) data, ensuring accurate data representation.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue where the Pickup Trends report was not correctly displaying all numbers, ensuring comprehensive reporting.

  3. Rate Recommendation Fix: Fixed an issue where using Bulk Update on locked dates caused a price of 0 to be shown in the Rates Calendar, ensuring accurate rate representation.

  4. Rate Recommendation Fix: Corrected an issue in the Rates Calendar where, after switching from a derived room type with fixed supplements to a different room type, the incorrect list of supplements was still used, ensuring proper data display.

  5. Rate Recommendation Fix: Addressed an issue in the info window where the correct actuals data was not being displayed, ensuring accurate information presentation.

  6. Budget Fix: Resolved an issue with Excel budget import for the month of September, ensuring smooth data import functionality.

  7. Settings Fix: Fixed a sorting issue for the auto publish rules, ensuring proper configuration and functionality.

These updates and fixes aim to enhance functionality, usability, and data accuracy across various aspects of the system. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

RevControl 5.2.3


Below are the most recent updates and fixes in our system:

  1. Issue:

    • Rate Recommendation: Changes in Business on the Books (BOB) data did not trigger auto-publish for the rates.


    • Rate Recommendation Fix: Resolved an issue where changes in BOB data did not trigger auto-publish for the rates, ensuring that rate updates are automatically reflected based on the latest BOB data.

RevControl 5.2.4


Here is a detailed overview of the latest updates, enhancements, and bug fixes in our system:


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout improvements across the application to enhance user experience and visual consistency.

  2. Settings Update: For Bookzo, cost codes for F&B and Taxes can now be selected from a list instead of entering an ID, streamlining the configuration process.

  3. Settings Update: Improved error notification when attempting to create a duplicate user, providing clearer feedback for administrators.


  1. Business on the Books Fix: Addressed an issue in the Pickup Today report where the SU (Segment Undefined) column was always empty, ensuring accurate reporting.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue with the Group By filter option, ensuring proper functionality and data organization.

  3. Forecast Fix: Fixed an issue where the RevPAR budget was not calculated properly in the Revenue Forecast report, ensuring accurate financial projections.

  4. Budget Fix: Rectified an issue in Excel import for market segments with very long names, ensuring smooth data import functionality.

RevControl 5.2.5


For this update, we carefully considered customer feedback and implemented several key improvements based on their suggestions. Here's a detailed overview of the latest updates:


  1. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue in Excel export for Periodic Report caused by special characters in segment names, ensuring accurate data export.


  1. Business on the Books Update: Improved handling of error responses for statistics from Opera OHIP, enhancing data reliability and error management.

New Features:

  1. Rate Recommendation Addition: Added a Resync button to resend all published rates, providing users with greater control over rate management.

  2. Rate Recommendation Addition: Now allows a different supplement for each day of the week and/or number of guests for ASSD, offering more flexibility in rate configurations.

  3. Rate Buckets Update: Added support for CubilisExpert plan, expanding compatibility and options for rate management.

  4. More Feature Addition: Introduced a new screen from which users can start various commands, including initial import from PMS, create BOB history, and update actuals, streamlining workflow and task management.

These updates and additions aim to enhance functionality, improve user experience, and provide greater flexibility in rate and data management. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Success team. 

RevControl 5.2.6

We're excited to unveil the latest updates, additions, and fixes in our system, tailored to enhance your experience and streamline operations. Here's a breakdown of what's been improved, added, and fixed:



  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application, enhancing overall performance and usability.
  2. Rate Shopping Update: Updated the list of supported brands for HQ revenue, ensuring compatibility with a wider range of brands and data sources.


  1. Forecast Addition: Added support for Room Type Forecasting for ASSD, enabling users to forecast room types accurately


  1. Rate Recommendation Fix: Resolved an issue in the info window where the occupancy percentage was incorrect for Room Type Forecast, ensuring accurate data representation.

  2. Dashboard Fix: Addressed an issue where supplements for derived room types could be edited on locked dates in the Manage Rates popup, ensuring proper rate management functionality.

RevControl 5.2.7


Here's a breakdown of the recent updates and improvements in our system:


  1. Business on the Books: The Room Type Availability report did not display any future dates.


  1. Business on the Books Fix: Addressed an issue where the Room Type Availability report did not show any future dates, ensuring that future availability data is accurately displayed.

RevControl 5.2.8


In our latest update, we've enhanced performance and user experience with layout and code improvements across the application.


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance performance and user experience.

  2. General Update: Improved handling of refresh tokens for Booking Experts and Lobbi integrations, ensuring smoother integration processes.

  3. General Update: The link to the knowledge base is now available in English, Dutch, or German, based on the user's browser language preferences, for easier access to support resources.

  4. General Update: Reduced the retention period for BOB import and log files from 14 days to 7 days, optimizing data storage and management.

  5. Business on the Books Update: Now allows segmentation on room type for IDPMS, providing more granular data analysis and reporting options.

  6. Settings Update: The endpoint URL for MEWS is now configurable per hotel, providing more flexibility and customization options.


  1. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue where saving the Manually Correct Actuals report with some empty data cells caused errors, ensuring smoother data management and reporting.

  2. Business Rules Fix: Addressed an issue where the copy down and copy up buttons did not work as expected, ensuring proper functionality for rule configuration.

New Feature:

  1. More Feature Addition: The command screen now suggests hotel codes, streamlining workflow and simplifying operations.

RevControl 5.2.9


Here's a breakdown of the recent updates and additions to our system. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our Customer Success department for help.

New Integration:

  1. Business on the Books Addition: We've introduced a new integration for VIPS Cloud, offering a manual per-day Excel export file for BOB Import. This integration enhances data management and reporting capabilities, providing users with more options for importing and analyzing data from VIPS Cloud.


  1. Settings Fix: Addressed an issue where creating or updating rate buckets did not work since the last release. This fix ensures smooth configuration and management of rate buckets within the system.

New Feature:

  1. More Feature Addition: Added a new screen where users can create, update, and delete hotels. This feature streamlines hotel management tasks, providing a centralized location for managing hotel information and settings.

RevControl 5.2.10


Here's a concise summary of the update:


  1. General Update: We've made enhancements to the setup procedure, ensuring a smoother and more efficient onboarding experience for users.

RevControl 5.2.11


A detailed breakdown of the recent updates and improvements to our system includes:


  1. General Update: We've implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance performance and user experience.
  2. Profile Update: The "Change Password" feature now includes a password confirmation field, providing an extra layer of security and usability.
  3. Business on the Books Update: Performance improvements have been made for Bookzo, enhancing data processing speed and efficiency.
  4. Business on the Books Update: We've improved support for availability blocks in MEWS, ensuring accurate representation of availability data.
  5. Rate Shopping Update: OTA Insight has been renamed to Lighthouse, and the API endpoint has been updated to reflect this change, ensuring seamless integration and data retrieval.
  6. Rate Recommendation Update: Added SU (segment undefined) to the info window in the Rates Calendar, providing users with more comprehensive information for rate decision-making.


  1. Settings Addition: We've added management functionality for segments and segment grouping, allowing users to organize and manage segments more effectively.

RevControl 5.2.12


Here is a comprehensive overview of the latest updates and fixes in our system. We have made significant improvements and resolved various issues to enhance your experience. Should you need any assistance or have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Success department for support.


  1. Dashboard Fix: Resolved an issue where the "Missing minimum group rates" alert message was shown twice, ensuring accurate and streamlined alert display.
  2. Business on the Books Fix: Addressed an issue where Revenue on Date did not work on dates before the last PMS installation date, ensuring accurate revenue tracking.


  1. Rate Recommendation Update: Rates Calendar will now block new changes when manual rate changes are still being processed, preventing conflicts and ensuring data integrity.
  2. Rate Recommendation Update: Unlocking a date will now activate auto publish immediately, streamlining the rate management process.
  3. Fixed:
  4. Rate Recommendation Fix: Corrected an issue in the info window with incorrect room type KPI's for last year, ensuring accurate data presentation.
  5. Settings Update: Removed rounding from channel supplements in percentages to show the real entered value, providing more precise information for users.
  6. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance performance and user experience.

RevControl 5.2.13


We're thrilled to introduce the latest enhancements and fixes to our system, aimed at refining functionality and providing an even smoother experience for our users. This update brings a blend of improvements, fixes, and new features designed to optimize performance and streamline operations.


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance user experience and performance.

  2. General Update: Speed improvements have been made to the initial load of the application as well as when switching between hotels, ensuring a smoother and faster user experience.

  3. Settings Update: Added an alternative term "Accommodation" for "Room Type" in the channel setup, providing more flexibility in terminology.
  4. For a (group) lock, all log entries are now combined into one line instead of a separate line for each room type, improving log readability and organization.


  1. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue where "Select all" in the filter option for column selection did not work, ensuring proper functionality for selecting columns.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: Addressed issues in the Periodic Report where the time column in Published Rate History was incorrectly truncated, and the Pickup During Month Occupancy Percentage was incorrect, ensuring accurate reporting.

  3. Rate Recommendation Fix: Fixed various issues in the Published Rate Overview and Resync button functionality, ensuring proper display of data and error messages.

  4. Rate Recommendation Fix: Corrected missing values and improved functionality in Rates Check and Rate Buckets, providing more accurate rate management.

  5. Events Fix: Resolved issues where selected filter options were not applied upon page refresh and importing the same event for multiple hotels, ensuring consistent and accurate event management.

New Features:

  1. Rate Recommendation Addition: New KPI's are now available for room type pickup when room type mapping is enabled, providing more comprehensive data analysis.

  2. Rate Buckets Addition: Added functionality to set the open/close restriction on a rate plan room type combination in MEWS, enhancing rate management capabilities

RevControl 5.2.14


Here's a summary of the recent updates and fixes:


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance user experience and performance.


  1. General Fix: Addressed an issue where incorrect file names were generated during Excel export, ensuring accurate file naming and export functionality.

  2. Rate Recommendation Fix: Resolved an issue in the info window where the forecasted room type occupancy percentage was incorrect, ensuring accurate data presentation and decision-making.

These updates and fixes aim to improve functionality, performance, and accuracy in our system.

RevControl 5.2.15


Presenting a breakdown of the recent updates and improvements to our system:


  1. General Addition: We've introduced new integrations with Cloudbeds, SIHOT, and for BOB Import and Rate Export, expanding compatibility and data exchange capabilities.
  2. Events Addition: You can now choose to add an Event supplement as a percentage instead of just a fixed amount, providing more flexibility in event management.


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application to enhance user experience and performance.


  1. General Fix: Addressed an issue where uploading files for Budget or Event import was no longer functional, ensuring seamless data import functionality.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue in the Compare Actuals/Actuals report where the last day of the month was empty, ensuring accurate reporting.

  3. Business on the Books Fix: Fixed an issue for VIPS X where meeting room revenue was missing, ensuring comprehensive revenue tracking.

  4. Rate Shopping Update: Expanded the anonymising competitor names feature to include "Hostel" and "Holiday Park" in addition to "Hotel", providing more flexibility in data anonymization.

  5. Rate Recommendation Fix: Addressed an issue with retrieving all available rate plans from Opera OHIP, ensuring accurate rate plan data for analysis and recommendation.

  6. Business Rules Fix: Improved the speed when saving Occupancy Supplements, enhancing efficiency in rule configuration.

  7. Budget Fix: Resolved an issue where the Budget screen would freeze when entering budget per segment, ensuring smooth budget management.

With these updates and additions, we've fine-tuned our system to deliver an even smoother, more seamless experience. Should you have any queries or require further assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated support team. We're standing by, ready to assist you!

RevControl 5.2.16

We're excited to introduce a range of new additions, updates, and fixes aimed at improving functionality and enhancing the user experience. Below is a breakdown of the latest changes:


New Additions:

  1. General: We've introduced an option to display bed nights alongside room nights specifically designed for hostels (for supported PMS's only), offering enhanced flexibility in reporting.

  2. Rates Calendar: Now includes the addition of a cancellation policy, providing users with more comprehensive rate management capabilities.


  1. General Update: Implemented several layout and code improvements across the application, refining the overall user experience.

  2. General Update: Made several enhancements to the integration, ensuring smoother data exchange and integration processes.

  3. Settings Update: Added settings landing page when clicking on the menu instead of opening the Min Rates Business Rules, improving navigation and user experience.

Fixed Issues:

  1. Dashboard Fix: Addressed an issue where the manage rates pop-up window did not function correctly when on the hotel chain dashboard, ensuring seamless rate management.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: By default, the BOB report now only shows the current month as part of our performance improvements, ensuring more efficient reporting.

  3. Business on the Books Fix: Resolved an issue where the "Split segments" filter option resulted in an empty table, ensuring accurate data presentation.

  4. Rate Shopping Fix: Fixed an issue where the Arrival Date filter option in Competitor Rate History did not work, ensuring accurate data filtering.

  5. Rate Recommendation Fix: Addressed an issue where the lock icons were missing in the Published Rate Overview, ensuring clear indication of locked rates.

RevControl 5.2.17

We are pleased to announce a critical fix aimed at enhancing the performance and reliability of our system. Below is the detail of the latest update:



1. Rate Shopping Fix: This update implements a change to the API endpoint for HQ revenue rate shopping.

This update has polished our system, ensuring an even smoother and more seamless experience for our users.

RevControl 5.2.18

We are excited to share the latest enhancements and fixes in our system, aimed at optimizing performance and improving user experience. Below is a detailed overview of the new additions, updates, and fixes:


New Additions:

  1. General Addition: Implemented a database cleanup feature for deleted hotels, ensuring smoother data management and system efficiency.


  1. General Update: Improved support for handling invalid request errors for Opera OHIP, enhancing system reliability and error handling.

  2. General Update: Added support for setting both Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS) on arrival and MinLOS during stay for SIHOT, providing users with more flexibility in rate configuration.

  3. General Update: Introduced an option to disable setting Web Service Restrictions for SIHOT, offering more control over system configurations.

  4. General Update: We've made several enhancements to the layout and code throughout the application, refining its performance and appearance.
  5. Rates Calendar Update: Implemented cancellation policy columns in various sections, including Published Rate Timeline, Rate History By Arrival Date, Published Rate Overview, and Day Details in Rates Calendar, enhancing rate management capabilities.


  1. General Fix: Resolved an issue with handling asynchronous responses for cancellation policy updates to SIHOT, ensuring accurate data synchronization.

  2. Rate Shopping Fix: Improved performance by removing unused competitor rate history for dates in the past, optimizing data retrieval and processing.

  3. Rate Shopping Fix: Corrected an issue where the default prefix "Hotel" was missing when anonymizing competitor names, ensuring consistency in data presentation.

  4. Rates Calendar Fix: Added an empty option for the cancellation policy, providing users with a clearer selection interface.

  5. Settings Fix: Addressed an issue where selecting MinLOS rate plans for Apaleo and Lobbi integrations caused invalid configurations, ensuring proper system setup and functionality.

RevControl 5.2.19

We are pleased to announce the latest updates and fixes to our system, aimed at improving functionality and user experience. One notable fix in this release is:



  • Business on the Books: Addressed an issue with date selection in Room Type Availability, ensuring accurate and reliable functionality for users.

RevControl 5.2.20



  1. General Update: Implemented various layout and code improvements across the application to enhance user experience and performance.

  2. New Addition: Introduced a database cleanup feature for historic data older than 3 years, ensuring data integrity and system efficiency.

  3. General Update: Updated email messages for account activation and forgot password to reduce the likelihood of being marked as spam, improving communication reliability.

  4. General Update: Enhanced pagination support and fetching rate status information for Cloudbeds, optimizing data handling and display.

  5. Rate Buckets Update: Added support for virtual room types for SIHOT, enhancing rate management capabilities.

Updated Rate Recommendation:

  1. Rate Recommendation Update: Added an indicator to show which room types are used for the room type grouping KPIs, providing clarity in data analysis.

  2. Rate Recommendation Update: Added support for Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS) on arrival for MEWS, enhancing rate configuration options.

  3. Rate Recommendation Update: In the Rates Calendar modal popup, added a tooltip for the available number of rooms, also listing sold / out of order / out of inventory, improving data visibility.

  4. Rate Recommendation Update: Made several improvements to display information regarding bed nights instead of room nights where applicable, ensuring accuracy in data representation.

  5. Fixed Rate Recommendation: Fixed an issue in the Rates Calendar modal popup, resolving incorrect pickup and forecasting numbers in some edge cases, ensuring data accuracy.


  1. Dashboard Fix: Addressed an issue caused by a segment and segment group with the same name in the BOB widget, ensuring proper widget functionality.

  2. Business on the Books Fix: Improved the calculation of available beds for SIHOT, ensuring accurate availability data.

These updates and fixes aim to improve functionality, data accuracy, and user experience across various aspects of the system. If you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!