
In RevControl, you can mark periods with unusual demand by adding events. Set up the name, dates, importance, supplements (positive or negative), MinLOS, and hotel(s). Events can be edited, copied, or deleted. Import or export via Excel.

Events can be added in RevControl to highlight periods with expected unusual demand. This could relate to school holidays, public holidays, or specific events like concerts, exhibitions, or sports matches. Additionally, you can mark periods with lower demand.

When you create an event, it will appear in the dashboard, the Business on the Books report, the Rate Calendar, and other relevant sections within RevControl. It is recommended to enter events from one year ago up to at least one year ahead. This way, comparisons can be made to better understand trends and their impact on demand.

Creating an Event:

  1. Show: The first option when adding an event is “Show.” With this toggle, you can make an event invisible, which also means it won’t be included in the rate recommendations.
  2. Event: Enter the name of the event.
  3. Start & End Date: Provide the start and end date of the event.
  4. Importance: Assign an importance level to the event. The importance determines the color of the event in the system:
    • Low: Green
    • Medium: Orange
    • High: Red
  5. Supplement Percentage & Supplement: Optionally, add a supplement to the event. This can be applied as a percentage or a fixed amount. The supplement can be positive or negative, depending on whether you want to increase or decrease prices during the event period.
  6. Supplement For: Choose whether the supplement should be applied to the occupancy-based rate, the competitor-based rate, or both.
  7. MinLOS: Set a minimum length of stay (MinLOS) for the event period.
  8. Hotels: In the multi-property version of RevControl, you can select the hotel or hotels for which the event applies.
  9. Note: Optionally, add a note for extra context or details about the event.

New event

Tip: You can also use the different importance levels (Low, Medium, High) to categorize events. For example, green (Low) for school holidays, orange (Medium) for public holidays, and red (High) for major events like concerts or sports matches. This helps you keep an organized view of your event calendar.


Once added, events are automatically displayed in all relevant parts of RevControl, allowing you to easily respond to periods of unusual demand and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

Editing, Copying, and Deleting Events:

  • Editing: Click the pencil icon to edit an existing event.
  • Copying: Click the copy icon to duplicate an event.
  • Deleting: Click the trash can icon to delete an event.

Importing and Exporting:

  • Importing: Use the orange button in the top right to import an Excel file with events.
  • Exporting: Use the green button in the top right to export events to Excel.

Events list