How can I set up to receive daily reports via e-mail?

RevControl offers various reports that can be automatically emailed. Configure settings for the entire chain or specific properties. Recipients can receive reports without needing a RevControl account.

RevControl offers various reports that can be automatically emailed. Below is an overview of all available reports. The titles mentioned below correspond to the names of the respective settings.

For the settings, note:

  • When you fill them in the “System settings”, they apply to the entire chain.
  • When you fill them in the “Hotel settings”, they apply to a single hotel/property.

You can enter email addresses in all settings without selecting users. This means that a person does not need a RevControl account to receive the emails.

Available Reports:

Business on the Books

  1. Chain pickup alert email addresses (always)
    • Available for the entire chain.
    • Sends the Pickup alert report daily around midnight for all properties in one report.
    • Shows days with a higher pickup than the “Pickup alert threshold” in the System setting.
    • Also includes “Pickup totals” with the total pickup of the past day per future calendar month.
  2. Chain pickup alert email addresses (on alert only)
    • Similar to the above report but is only sent if at least one day exceeds the “Pickup alert threshold”.
  3. Hotel pickup alert email addresses (always)
    • Sends a separate alert per property.
    • Looks at the “Pickup alert threshold” in the respective Hotel setting.
  4. Hotel pickup alert email addresses (on alert only)
    • Similar to the above but is only sent if at least one day exceeds the “Pickup alert threshold”.
  5. Pickup trends email addresses
    • Shows the pickup per future calendar month for the past day, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 30 days.
    • Values can be adjusted in the Hotel setting “Pickup Trends Pickup Days”.
  6. Pickup trends chain email addresses
    • Similar to the above but shows the pickup for the entire chain.
    • Looks at the values set in the System setting “Pickup Trends Pickup Days”.

Business on the Books import

  1. BOB Import report email addresses
    • Sends reports at times defined in the System setting “BOB Import report times”.
    • Includes the status of the latest BOB import.
  2. BOB Import error email addresses
      • Sent when a BOB import fails.

    Rate shopping

    1. Competitor Rate Change Alert email addresses (always)
      • Sent with each rate shop.
      • Shows all changed competitor rates, MinLOS adjustments, and non-bookable competitors.
    2. Competitor Rate Change Alert email addresses (on alert only)
      • Similar to the above but filters on price changes greater than defined in the Hotel setting “Competitor Rate Change Alert threshold”.

    Rate recommendation

    1. Auto Publish report email addresses
      • Shows all changes made by RevControl’s AutoPublish.
      • Looks at changes greater than the threshold value in the Hotel setting “Auto Publish report threshold”.

    Rate export

    1. Rate export queue report email address
      • Sent when RevControl receives no response from the PMS or channel manager for too long after attempting to send prices.

    Rate buckets

    1. Auto Publish report email addresses
      • Shows all changes sent by RevControl for the Rate buckets via AutoPublish.